A Regular push up is lifting about 55-75% of your body weight. Declined push ups raise the percentage of body weight you are lifting. The higher your legs are the higher percentage of body weight you are lifting. If you did push ups with your legs on a two foot bench it would be easier then doing it from a three foot bench. See the connection? Try doing normal push ups and then try doing declined push ups. You will feel a difference. If you can not do a normal push up try doing a inclined push up with your feet below your head until you can do normal push ups.
Click Here to View Website This Information is From
Are you tired of having people make whale noises at you? Stop the noises now! Lose your excess fat fast!
Monday, May 21, 2012
Friday, May 18, 2012
This is a new program I decided I should come out with. I realized lately that we have made a jumping work out (legs), and speed, agility, and conditioning (legs), and basic (which also includes legs). So thought we should balance you out. Right now you are all a little bottom heavy. You can believe or not, but we did this on purpose because we did not want to start you out top heavy because then you would be majorly off-balance. When you are off-balance, as you should know, you fall... You fall a lot. That is not good, especially when you hit your head on the ground! Anyways, I will get back to my point. I made this program to work your upper body and push to the max (maximum). It is called Hot Upper Body in 99 days.
Once again I must give you all "the speech" that I always say before I write a work out... You must not cheat on these work outs. You are only cheating yourself! That is not cool! If you want the full results of the work out, you must work hard and push yourself as hard as you possibly can. However, if you cannot complete a work out, do not feel bad because at first you should have trouble finishing the work outs because they are hard.
I hope you enjoy this work out, and most importantly, I hope you enjoy your brand new body! Your "hot upper body".
This is a hard work out, and you need to push yourself. It will greatly benefit you if you take it seriously. Nathan and I worked hard on this!Once again I must give you all "the speech" that I always say before I write a work out... You must not cheat on these work outs. You are only cheating yourself! That is not cool! If you want the full results of the work out, you must work hard and push yourself as hard as you possibly can. However, if you cannot complete a work out, do not feel bad because at first you should have trouble finishing the work outs because they are hard.
I hope you enjoy this work out, and most importantly, I hope you enjoy your brand new body! Your "hot upper body".
(this is for people with free weights and dumbbells)
- WARM UP: Start your warm up stretching! I say this every time because it is so important! You do not want to pull a muscle because if you pull a muscle then you cannot work out for a while! We do not want that! Anyways... Start your stretching by walking up to a wall or preferably a doorway. Then you will grab something above your head and make sure your arm is completely extended. Then turn away from your arm. You should feel the stretch on chest. Hold this for ten to fifteen seconds and then do the same thing for your other arm. After this you should grab your arm (which ever one you want) and pull across your chest and hold for ten to fifteen seconds. Do this for both arms. You should feel the stretch in your upper back behind your shoulder. Next bend your arm completely and put it behind your head. Pull on your elbow with your other hand for ten to fifteen seconds. Do this on both arms. You should feel it on your side. Now you should start actually warming up your muscles! Do arm circles. Stick your arms straight out and do fifteen little circles with your arms and then reverse your direction. After this do the same thing, but do big circles.
- WORK OUT: Start by doing five sets of twenty push ups. Take forty-five second breaks in-between sets. Next do five sets of dumbbell curls with whatever weight you can do. Do ten reps and take forty-five second breaks. After this sit down with good posture. Take your dumbbells and push them straight up ten reps for five sets. Take forty-five seconds between sets. After this do shoulder flys. This is when you grab dumbbells and swing your arms up and down like your are trying to fly. However, you do not need to put your arms straight out. Do the same amount of reps and sets and with the same amount a rest time. For the last exercise put a dumbbell behind your head and grab it with both hands and then extend your arms and put them back down. I think by now you should know the reps, sets, and brake times... I hope you do.
The Fresh Prince of Bel Air
This is an awesome song and it is perfect for working out to or shooting hoops to. It is really cool! So go check it out on youtube and when you love it buy it! If you like this song or want to let us know what you think leave a comment!
Now this is a story all about how
My life got flipped turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air
In West Philadelphia born and raised
On the playground is where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool
And all shootin' some b-ball outside of the school
When a couple of guys who were up to no good
Started makin' trouble in my neighborhood
I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
And said you're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air
I begged and pleaded with her day after day
But she packed my suitcase and sent me on my way
She gave me a kiss and then she gave me my ticket
I put my walkman on and said I might as well kick it
First class yo this is bad
Drinkin' orange juice out of a champagne glass
Is this what the people of Bel-Air live like
Hmmm this might be all right
But wait I hear they're prissy, bourgeois and all that
Is this the type of place that they should send this cool cat
I don't think so I'll see when I get there
I hope they're prepared for the prince of Bel-Air
Well uh the plane landed and when I came out
There was a dude looked like a cop standin' there with my name out
I ain't tryin' to get arrested yet I just got here
I sprang with the quickness like lightening disappeared
I whistled for a cab and when it came near
The license plate said "Fresh", and had dice in the mirror
If anything I could say that this cab was rare
But I thought nah forget it, yo home to Bel-Air!
I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8
And I yelled to the cabbie, "Yo Holmes, smell ya later!"
Looked at my kingdom I was finally there
To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel-Air
Click Here to View the Website These Lyrics are From
Now this is a story all about how
My life got flipped turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air
In West Philadelphia born and raised
On the playground is where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool
And all shootin' some b-ball outside of the school
When a couple of guys who were up to no good
Started makin' trouble in my neighborhood
I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
And said you're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air
I begged and pleaded with her day after day
But she packed my suitcase and sent me on my way
She gave me a kiss and then she gave me my ticket
I put my walkman on and said I might as well kick it
First class yo this is bad
Drinkin' orange juice out of a champagne glass
Is this what the people of Bel-Air live like
Hmmm this might be all right
But wait I hear they're prissy, bourgeois and all that
Is this the type of place that they should send this cool cat
I don't think so I'll see when I get there
I hope they're prepared for the prince of Bel-Air
Well uh the plane landed and when I came out
There was a dude looked like a cop standin' there with my name out
I ain't tryin' to get arrested yet I just got here
I sprang with the quickness like lightening disappeared
I whistled for a cab and when it came near
The license plate said "Fresh", and had dice in the mirror
If anything I could say that this cab was rare
But I thought nah forget it, yo home to Bel-Air!
I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8
And I yelled to the cabbie, "Yo Holmes, smell ya later!"
Looked at my kingdom I was finally there
To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel-Air
Click Here to View the Website These Lyrics are From
Monday, May 14, 2012
I just remembered this old video. If you have not seen it, you are missing out. Some amount of years ago, SNL came out with this music video. I highly encourage you to embrace this video and I promise that you will love it! This is my new theme song. If you use my future program, you will be able to throw anything on the ground with great force. It is called HUB99 which stands for Hott Upper Body for 99 days. It will be awesome!
Friday, May 11, 2012
I Looooooove Pictures
As the title of this post says, "I Looooooove Pictures". I need some of the best workout pictures emailed to me, Black Spiderman, right here of the Fat To That blog.
When I say pictures, it sounds like a very broad statement... It is... That means that I want pictures of power-lifting contests, guys/girls on steoids, guys/girls working out, guys/girls working out to music, or you could send pictures of yourself doing work outs and/or our workouts.
When I say pictures, it sounds like a very broad statement... It is... That means that I want pictures of power-lifting contests, guys/girls on steoids, guys/girls working out, guys/girls working out to music, or you could send pictures of yourself doing work outs and/or our workouts.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
This is a little off-topic, but I just had to show you guys! This is my groups history video for a project that we were assigned while I was still in school. It is so hilarious! We had the best video in the class by far! My teacher loved it and I still love watching the great humor that my friends and I put into it. You will love it!
DON'T BE FAT! BE THAT! (I know that my phrase does not fit with this post, but I have to say it no matter what... Sorry.
DON'T BE FAT! BE THAT! (I know that my phrase does not fit with this post, but I have to say it no matter what... Sorry.
Music Pictures
Nathan has been giving you guys some work out music. By the way, those are some amazing songs and I really do recommend them. I was wondering what I should post (since I am the lead blogger), so I decided it would be fun to post some pictures of guys listening to work outs while simultaneously working out. These are some inspiring pictures that should inspire you guys to but some music and listen to it while you work out. It really does help. Even if you don't think it does not help, you are wrong. Your mind actually gets pumped up and ready for your next exercise if you are listening to music that pumps you up. It is a proven fact that it does.
Enjoy your music given by Nathan and have an awesome time working out to it! If I know Nathan, I am sure that he will find more songs to post on our blog... Trust me. Well, once again, enjoy the music and pictures!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Work Out by J Cole
This is a great song! If you have not yet heard it i suggest checking it out on youtube. I believe it is an awesome song to listen to! Especially while working out! So after you check it out when you love it go ahead and download it from Itunes! Do not forget to try out a workout program or all of them!
Fat to That Only for Losing Weight?
I got no emails from people in the past couple of days, some bad and some really bad, and I felt driven to wright this post because the topic of about 12% of these bad and really bad emails was asking me why I would exclude them from our blog, the other 88% was just the usual fan mail. So I would like to point out that Fat to That is not only for losing weight and it makes me disappointed that people would think we were being prejudice. So I would just like to let all of you know to feel free to try any of the programs and to know that Fat to That was designed not only for losing weight but also getting in better shape then you already are. In other words it was created for everyone and anyone! So try out a program today!
Eye of the Tiger
Eye of the Tiger was originaly made for the extremely well known movie series Rocky, after they were not given permission for the song Another One Bites the Dust. If you have seen Rocky 4 then you know what I mean when I say this song was made for exercising to. It was, as a matter of fact, designed for almost just that. So if you have not heard this song check it out on youtube. If you like it maybe download it and have the perfect addition to your work out music collection!
I have recently decided on some shirts/tank tops for us to wear. I cannot decide between a few because my designs are all so cool! I will somehow figure out how to post the pictures of the designs. For now I can only describe them.
I understand that you probably cannot determine what you want from these descriptions. I am working hard on try to find a way to post the pictures so that you guys can have a better idea of what they look like.- Grey tank top with a white stencil of a buff guy crossing his arms in white. Under it is a hash-tag that says "#getbigg" in white.
- A white tank top with the "shadow' of a man from the waist up flexing. In the mans body are the words "FAT TO THAT".
- A grey tank top that has the "shadow" of a dude dunking. Next to in sideways letter it says "BALL HARD".
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Do the John Wall
I strongly suggest that you have to buy this song! It is aweome and all about b balling! It is basicaly an awesome work out song! I suggest you look it up on youtube and if you like it download it from Itunes!
I challenge you to listen to this song and not sing along!
I challenge you to listen to this song and not sing along!
"Do The John Wall"
raleigh be the city where we like to do the dance, flex to left throw some money out ya hands, we do it for the city, ya we do it for the fans to ball like wall boy you gotta do the dance
everybody do the john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall
Everybody clear out, hand me the rock
Time winding down 3 seconds on the shot clock
Break the defense homeboy I can't be stopped
All about my money so you know I'm hitting bank shots
I'm trying to tell them, boy you can't guard this
Beast on the court homeboy I play the hardest
Jump shot stupid, yeah it's retarded
You can't guard me in the paint I'm an artist
See I hustle on the floor call me Rick Ross
See the Troop get it jumping like a tip-off
I play hard until I hear the ref blow the whistle
I'm a player but my game be so official
Never reach got to stay out of foul trouble
But I drive in the lane, get them in foul trouble
They cant solve my game I'm a hard puzzle
But I keep three dimes that's a triple double
raleigh be the city where we like to do the dance, flex to left throw some money out ya hands, we do it for the city, ya we do it for the fans to ball like wall boy you gotta do the dance
everybody do the john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall
Sick with it
Hustle for the rock I go-go get it
I'm in it to win it, 919 baby we represent it
And I don't ball hog we got our whole team in it
See you just dribble but ain't ever got the heart to finish
Can't put me out the game I'm in that thing from start to finish
And if I can't drive the lane then best believe I'm about to dish it
Sideline drifting now I'm gliding down the baseline
About to do a big slam catch me on them inches
Coming from the south side
The expectations of us is that we will not rise
And still we prove them wrong, we flexing cause we hot guys
Bring life to the game we will not die
Hah, Yeah
Stand tall, yeah you call that the great Wall
All I do is ball I get up I can take a fall
I'm Hungry for the top, call it lunchtime
Game winning shot, yeah it's clutch time
raleigh be the city where we like to do the dance, flex to left throw some money out ya hands, we do it for the city, ya we do it for the fans to ball like wall boy you gotta do the dance
everybody do the john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall
Let's do it
Oh yeah we balling, balling until we falling
Until the last second I'm guessing we gone be brawling
Cause Kentucky here to win, not to watch you play
Whole world do the dance say what up UK
Better take him out the game, cause they say that boy insane
When he coming down the lane, trying to catch a bang bang
First we flex, show the muscle then JIGG on them
For the small play, let my Cousins get big on them
You ain't handling nothing I'm about to catch a steal on them
Pass it to the point, crossover and I'm still on them
Crowd going bananas so you know that's why we peel on them
And we from the "R", ain't nothing like being real on them
Jump shot deadly, you know that we kill on them
Time to grab the money ball, about to shoot a bill on them
Yeahh, north cack we gone show them how to do it
Do the John Wall it ain't really nothing to it
raleigh be the city where we like to do the dance, flex to left throw some money out ya hands, we do it for the city, ya we do it for the fans to ball like wall boy you gotta do the dance
everybody do the john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall
everybody do the john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall
Everybody clear out, hand me the rock
Time winding down 3 seconds on the shot clock
Break the defense homeboy I can't be stopped
All about my money so you know I'm hitting bank shots
I'm trying to tell them, boy you can't guard this
Beast on the court homeboy I play the hardest
Jump shot stupid, yeah it's retarded
You can't guard me in the paint I'm an artist
See I hustle on the floor call me Rick Ross
See the Troop get it jumping like a tip-off
I play hard until I hear the ref blow the whistle
I'm a player but my game be so official
Never reach got to stay out of foul trouble
But I drive in the lane, get them in foul trouble
They cant solve my game I'm a hard puzzle
But I keep three dimes that's a triple double
raleigh be the city where we like to do the dance, flex to left throw some money out ya hands, we do it for the city, ya we do it for the fans to ball like wall boy you gotta do the dance
everybody do the john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall
Sick with it
Hustle for the rock I go-go get it
I'm in it to win it, 919 baby we represent it
And I don't ball hog we got our whole team in it
See you just dribble but ain't ever got the heart to finish
Can't put me out the game I'm in that thing from start to finish
And if I can't drive the lane then best believe I'm about to dish it
Sideline drifting now I'm gliding down the baseline
About to do a big slam catch me on them inches
Coming from the south side
The expectations of us is that we will not rise
And still we prove them wrong, we flexing cause we hot guys
Bring life to the game we will not die
Hah, Yeah
Stand tall, yeah you call that the great Wall
All I do is ball I get up I can take a fall
I'm Hungry for the top, call it lunchtime
Game winning shot, yeah it's clutch time
raleigh be the city where we like to do the dance, flex to left throw some money out ya hands, we do it for the city, ya we do it for the fans to ball like wall boy you gotta do the dance
everybody do the john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall
Let's do it
Oh yeah we balling, balling until we falling
Until the last second I'm guessing we gone be brawling
Cause Kentucky here to win, not to watch you play
Whole world do the dance say what up UK
Better take him out the game, cause they say that boy insane
When he coming down the lane, trying to catch a bang bang
First we flex, show the muscle then JIGG on them
For the small play, let my Cousins get big on them
You ain't handling nothing I'm about to catch a steal on them
Pass it to the point, crossover and I'm still on them
Crowd going bananas so you know that's why we peel on them
And we from the "R", ain't nothing like being real on them
Jump shot deadly, you know that we kill on them
Time to grab the money ball, about to shoot a bill on them
Yeahh, north cack we gone show them how to do it
Do the John Wall it ain't really nothing to it
raleigh be the city where we like to do the dance, flex to left throw some money out ya hands, we do it for the city, ya we do it for the fans to ball like wall boy you gotta do the dance
everybody do the john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall
Monday, May 7, 2012
Weekend Update #1
This weekend was another weekend where I was playing in a basketball tournament. I pulled a sick dunk right on another guy. Needless to say, he ran home crying. I hung on the rim and did some pull ups in order to assert my dominance on the rim. Everyone went crazy! That dunk spurred me on to be a monster the rest of the game. Despite my monster game we ended falling short in that game and later lost the tournament.
I also played in another tournament where I played against a famous basketball player from where I am from. He played defense on me, but did not scare me one bit!
I will start doing these weekend updates every weekend from now on!
I also played in another tournament where I played against a famous basketball player from where I am from. He played defense on me, but did not scare me one bit!
I will start doing these weekend updates every weekend from now on!
Ball So Hard University
Go get this shirt! It is boss! I would wear it after balling or my daily session of SVI69.

Ndomukong Suh
Okay, we all know that Ndomukong Suh is the last person that you would want to run into in a dark alley. Actually, I would be scared of him anywhere I saw him. Anyways... We all know who he is. Suh is the scariest man in the NFL. He is like the Kendrick Perkins of football. Suh is so dominant for a reason; that reason is that he is a beast. He worked so hard on his body to get in the shape it is in today. We need to do what he has done to his body!
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
SVI69 Results #4
With SVI69 white guys can dunk too. I strongly feel that everyone, whether or not you want to, should try SVI69. It is fun and awesome. You will soon be able to jump higher than almost anyone, unless you can not. It is hard work but almost guarenteed to work, unless it does not. No matter who you are or where you come from, unless you have some kind of disabiliaty, then SVI69 is almost praticaly guarenteed to work. So go home or go to the gym and try it out! Then have awesome hops like shown in the picture.
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