Friday, May 18, 2012


     This is a new program I decided I should come out with.  I realized lately that we have made a jumping work out (legs), and speed, agility, and conditioning (legs), and basic (which also includes legs).  So thought we should balance you out.  Right now you are all a little bottom heavy.  You can believe or not, but we did this on purpose because we did not want to start you out top heavy because then you would be majorly off-balance.  When you are off-balance, as you should know, you fall... You fall a lot.  That is not good, especially when you hit your head on the ground!  Anyways, I will get back to my point.  I made this program to work your upper body and push to the max (maximum).  It is called Hot Upper Body in 99 days.
     Once again I must give you all "the speech" that I always say before I write a work out...  You must not cheat on these work outs.  You are only cheating yourself!  That is not cool!  If you want the full results of the work out, you must work hard and push yourself as hard as you possibly can.  However, if you cannot complete a work out, do not feel bad because at first you should have trouble finishing the work outs because they are hard.
     I hope you enjoy this work out, and most importantly, I hope you enjoy your brand new body!  Your "hot upper body".

(this is for people with free weights and dumbbells)

  • WARM UP:  Start your warm up stretching!  I say this every time because it is so important!  You do not want to pull a muscle because if you pull a muscle then you cannot work out for a while!  We do not want that!  Anyways... Start your stretching by walking up to a wall or preferably a doorway.  Then you will grab something above your head and make sure your arm is completely extended.  Then turn away from your arm.  You should feel the stretch on chest.  Hold this for ten to fifteen seconds and then do the same thing for your other arm.  After this you should grab your arm (which ever one you want) and pull across your chest and hold for ten to fifteen seconds.  Do this for both arms.  You should feel the stretch in your upper back behind your shoulder.  Next bend your arm completely and put it behind your head.  Pull on your elbow with your other hand for ten to fifteen seconds.  Do this on both arms.  You should feel it on your side.  Now you should start actually warming up your muscles!  Do arm circles.  Stick your arms straight out and do fifteen little circles with your arms and then reverse your direction.  After this do the same thing, but do big circles.  
  • WORK OUT: Start by doing five sets of twenty push ups.  Take forty-five second breaks in-between sets. Next do five sets of dumbbell curls with whatever weight you can do.  Do ten reps and take forty-five second breaks.   After this sit down with good posture.  Take your dumbbells and push them straight up ten reps for five sets. Take forty-five seconds between sets.  After this do shoulder flys.  This is when you grab dumbbells and swing your arms up and down like your are trying to fly.  However, you do not need to put your arms straight out.  Do the same amount of reps and sets and with the same amount a rest time.  For the last exercise put a dumbbell behind your head and grab it with both hands and then extend your arms and put them back down.  I think by now you should know the reps, sets, and brake times... I hope you do.
     This is a hard work out, and you need to push yourself.  It will greatly benefit you if you take it seriously. Nathan and I worked hard on this!


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